$9fa|1-REVIEWS $9ff by kenco of carnage Righty then, some Playstation reviews... BLAM! Machinehead. ----------------- The disc boots up with a very good intro, all raytraced an stuff. Well, I was impressed anyway :) It sets the scene, and the plot is rather unusual to say the least. Basically, you are strapped into a machine (unwillingly) and have to wipe out the Machinehead, which controls the mutated landscapes which you skim over in your Vorpal Blade. Control of the Vorpal Blade is tricky at first, but is learnt quickly. L12 R12 / \_________/ \ | Directional Buttons : Movement | | T | - - | - - - > S C | | | | _________ X | | / \ | T Cycle up second weapon | / \ | C Cycle down second weapon == == S Move Forwards X Move Backwards R1 Fire second weapon L1 Fire machine gun - Ingame map The object of the game is to complete the objectives for each level. The first level introduces the steep difficulty curve, but once you've got the controls sussed it becomes second nature. The first level objectives are to shoot the green pods on the electricity pylons, some pylons are easy to find.. using the ingame map is very handy for locating er..things. The second objective is to bring the landscape back to reality. This is acheived via reality keys and reality gates. Each are labelled and have to be matched. So key one has to be used with gate one. When a gate has been activated, apart from a nice lensflare effect, it alters the landscape in your favour, this is needed in the second objective for the first level as a train has to be freed and to do this, a chasm has to be bridged, which is done via activating the reality gates... and so on.... The graphics create an alternative, beleivable reality. The landscapes are interactive, allowing you to journey almost anywhere. Vehicles and barrels litter the landscapes, both of which can be blown up :) The enemies are well defined, although there could be more... the basic baddies are zombies, spiders and cannons. The explosions are nice, things blow up with a satisfying "woomph" and a nice lensflare effect. The ingame map shows where the reality keys, unreality keys, unreality gates and other things important to the level (level two involves directing a train through a level). The music is apt and goes well with the action. It's sort of ambient-techno... urm... :) The sound effects are brilliant, the screeching of the spiders, the "help me!" of the spacesuited people. The game comes together very well. It's a very satisfying blast, but you also have to use strategy, otherwise you'll die. Quickly. I've got up to the last level on the first stage. This involves a little bit of running back and forth, activating reality gates. Once all the gates are activated, a lift can be opened which takes you down to a room with a reactor, a big robotic chicken thing and a small robotic chicken thing. And it's bloody hard! Some ratings, methinks: Graphics : More than functional, nice lens-flares! Sound : Brill! Cool music and scary sound effects. Playability : Hard at first, but it gets better and better.. Lastability : This is going to last for ages! kenco.carnage end